2020 Vulnerability Intelligence Report


Published April 2021


Security, IT, and other teams tasked with vulnerability management and risk reduction frequently operate in high-urgency, high-stakes environments where informed decision-making hinges on the ability to quickly separate signal from a sea of perpetual noise. When a new potential threat emerges, information security professionals often find themselves needing to translate vague descriptions and untested research artifacts into actionable intelligence for their own particular risk models.

Rapid7 researchers analyze thousands of vulnerabilities each year to understand root causes, dispel misconceptions, and share information on why certain flaws are more likely to be exploited than others. This report examines 50 vulnerabilities from the 2020 calendar year in order to highlight exploitation trends, explore attacker use cases, and offer a framework for understanding new security threats as they arise. Our aim is to contextualize the vulnerabilities that introduce serious risk to a wide range of organizations—and those that probably don’t. We have also included a practical applications section with guidance for defenders.