Securing Privileged Access In Development Environments - Three Critical Use Cases


Published July 2021


Digital Transformation is driving enormous change and innovation across many industries, both new and emerging. Innovations and new business models have forced decision makers across almost all industries to rethink how they do business. And today, rapidly bringing new products and services to the marketplace has become even more of a critical competitive priority than in the past.

While each organization’s digital transformation journey and development environment is different, the following common use cases will almost certainly need to be addressed to help ensure development environments are secure.

  • Use Case 1: Secure Developer Workstations
  • Use Case 2: Secure Application Credentials
  • Use Case 3: Secure DevOps Tool Administration Consoles

Learn more about three use cases: securing the developer workstations, securing the secrets and credentials used by applications and securing human access to the management console.