Databases are Ransomware Targets: Protect with Zero Trust Data Security | Slide Deck

Shed the Legacy and Learn How Modern Backup and Instant Recovery Protect Database Teams

Published February 2022


These slides support a webinar brought to you by Situation Publishing and sponsor Rubrik.

In 2022, enterprises need more than simply a backup and recovery platform, they need a ransomware recovery partner stocked with the key capabilities to speed recovery when disaster happens. For those on the mission-critical database side, this is even more important.

Database teams often do not think they are targets for ransomware but their assets are often the lifeblood of the organization, handling the most mission-critical of daily operations. Downtime can have cascading, catastrophic effects. Being able to quickly recover means a shift in thinking for database backup and recovery.

With Zero Trust Data Security, database teams have the opportunity to get their time back and operationalize backups to get more out of their data while ensuring their backups are tamper-proof and ready to go at all times. With ransomware and other cyberattacks on the rise, there is no better feeling.

The data you manage is mission-critical. You can’t afford to settle with legacy protection. Join Justin Ruiz, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Rubrik and host Nicole Hemsoth to learn how Zero Trust Data Security can keep your databases protected. We will take deep dives into:

  • Zero Trust Data Management:Ensure your backups are 100% protected from ransomware, natural disasters, and operational failures.
  • Automated Protection:Replace thousands of backup jobs in just a few clicks.
  • Simplify Advanced Recoveries:Stay in the driver's seat with flexible recovery options.
  • Access to Self-Service Clones:Create database clones directly from your backup data without any need for additional storage

From day-to-day management of operations to the day after an attack, we’ll blaze through everything it takes for robust backup and recovery and change your mind about backups being painful. We’ll show you how protection is easier than you think and is more scalable across more database types than ever before.

Watch the webinar on-demand here.