Choosing the Best AWS Data Warehouse

Amazon Redshift and Exasol

Published February 2019


If there’s a company synonymous with the cloud, it’s Amazon Web Services (AWS), known as the global leader in public cloud infrastructure. Many businesses no longer wish to own or manage infrastructure, however they see the value that a cloud strategy brings in terms of reduced costs, competitive advantage and scalability. This is why billion-dollar internet companies such as Netflix, Airbnb and Pinterest have built businesses based on infrastructure that is entirely outsourced to Amazon.

However, on-demand compute is not all that Amazon Web Services offers. It provides a broad set of cloud-based products from AI to storage. From the largest enterprise to the hottest start-up, Amazon is attempting to offer everything for everyone when it comes to cloud. When it comes to databases and analytics, Amazon has a number of options. A managed transactional database service called Amazon RDS, that comprises Amazon’s home-grown database called Amazon Aurora and Amazon Redshift, an analytic database designed for data warehousing.

In this whitepaper, we will explore how Redshift compares to Exasol on AWS.