A New Vision for Phishing Defense: Inbox Detection & Response


Published June 2020


Gartner’s recommended adaptive security architecture that describes the concept of prevent-detect-respond-predict has been widely adopted in cybersecurity for years. But, until now, this framework has not been wholly applied to email security, which has historically focused on the prevention aspect delivered by a secure email gateway at the network perimeter.

Even in that single task, namely protecting against today’s attacks, research data shows that this traditional email gateway security model is increasingly failing. In recent surveys by Osterman Research, 70 percent of IT security managers in general and 78 percent of Office 365 email administrators reported suffering security breaches in 2018, with email phishing attacks cited as the leading cause. A key reason these phishing attacks are able to bypass existing defenses is their increasing sophistication and growing use of detection evasion techniques. Use of such techniques has been made more pervasive by their inclusion in offerings from an increasingly robust phishing-as-a-service ecosystem that provides low-cost, high-quality and easy-to-use phishing campaign tools and services on the Dark Web.

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